In 2013, Willy Spreutels left a comment in the guestbook mentioning that he had a 3300 system. I tracked him down and prevailed on him to supply some pictures. Here they are!
Willy had this to say about the history of this particular machine:
I received this machine with the mini cassette drive and 2 teletypes and the paper tapes in the middle eighties from a friend at the Free University of Brussels. He told me this machine was used before by a general store named C&A to control up to 128 (?) cash registers in the shop(s).
The teletypes were in bad condition and it was very difficult to load the tapes, but I was able to connect the 3300 to a Tektronix terminal with the serial line and a home-made opto-isolator.
I programmed it with front panel to have a test program me running (two imbricated loops).
I left the university in 1988 and abandoned the teletypes and the tapes in my office there and now they are lost. I tried to have the paper tapes transferred on files but it make the CDC 170 mainframe crash when opening the file …
Since that time I kept it in my garage since that time and put it in a metallic cabinet only last week-end. So it will be probably necessary to clean it inside because some diesel smoke goes probably inside.
Below are the photos supplied by Willie. Click on any image to get a full sized version. Willie knows that some of the photos are blurry and hopes to find time to shoot better ones.